Spotlight on Our Stars: Showcasing the Ten Most Popular Animals in the UK

The UK's favourite animals - a top ten.

At The Animal Talent we specialise in turning extraordinary animals into stars.  Our expertise in animal talent management allows us to source, train and promote the most popular and talented animals in the UK. From charismatic canines to photogenic felines, we manage a diverse roster of animal talent that captivates audiences globally.

Discover the Animal Stars

The journey to stardom begins with discovery. Our talent scouts traverse various habitats, breeders, animal trainers and even rescue shelters to find animals with the potential to become household names.

When our talent agents do this, we always keep an eye on the most popular animals based on the opinion of UK residents, since these people are the audience of our professional clients: TV producers, film directors, events coordinators, media planners and more.

The most popular animals are the most likely to be filmed for TV commercials and online advertisements; they’re also the animals that are likely to get featured roles in films and TV series. 

Well, what are we waiting for?  According to Rebecca Bales of A-Z Animals, the ten most popular animals of 2024 are as follows:

1. Dogs

Dogs are undeniably one of the most beloved animals, and their talent knows no bounds. From performing complex tricks, dog sports and protection training to starring in TV series and films, our canine clients such as Ace, the Golden Retriever and Lilliput the Maltese have earned their place in the spotlight. Their loyalty, intelligence, and versatility make them a visual staple in the entertainment industry. Check out just some of our talented dogs here.

2. Cats

Cats like Spud the moggy (domestic short hair) and Obi the British Short Hair have captivated audiences with their grace and mysterious charm. These feline stars excel in various roles, from commercial shoots to viral social media posts. Spud has even released a book and Obi recently starred in a K-Pop music video that has had nearly 10 million views. Their independent nature and striking appearances make them perfect for a range of projects.  Check out more of our cat models here.

3. Chickens

Chickens are still the top bird among our winged friends here in the UK.  It’s no wonder that they often feature in TV series, advertisements and more.  From the Silkie to the Sussex, we have a variety of chickens on our roster that have worked across film and television; some have even been involved in haute couture shoots!  These farm birds Macaw bring a splash of colour and a touch of wonder to any production. Known for their stunning plumage, our avian talents are popular in both live performances and media appearances. Their ability to engage with audiences makes them unique stars.  Chickens are a familiar and welcome sight to many an audience.  Check out our variety of farm birds here.

4. Horses

Our equine clients, including Raffi Grey Andalusian Gelding and Obe the Miniature Shetland Pony, have dazzled in everything from period dramas to competitive sports. Many of our horses are liberty trained and have extensive live events experience as well as being fully trained film models.  We have a variety of breeds on our roster of all different sizes. 

It’s no wonder that this beautiful animal comes in so high on the list of the UK’s top animals; horses are not only majestic but also incredibly trainable, making them ideal for a variety of roles that require grace, beauty and strength.  They’re a true symbol of life in the UK and the equestrian fully deserves the number four spot.  Check out our wonderful equestrian models here.

5. Fish & Amphibians

From tropical fish to goldfish, frogs to axolotls, our aquatic friends are hugely popular in the UK.  Often seen in TV commercials, we have provided a variety of marine, tropical and temperate species for media in the last few years.  We recently supplied Bert the Lobster to A Gentleman In Moscow starring Ewan McGregor.  Our expert fish keepers have all the knowledge to provide beautiful fish for your media project.  Their exotic appeal and peaceful presence make them sought-after for background set creations. Managing these amazing aquatics requires specialised care and expertise, which we provide with dedication and passion. Check out our fish, frogs, newts and more here.

6. Bears

Bears are typically solitary creatures, socialising only during courtship or when they are young. There are eight bear species, with six being omnivorous. The panda eats bamboo while the polar bear is primarily carnivorous.  These fascinating creatures have been admired by animal lovers the world over for decades.  We consider them cute, but we admire their strength and power. 

Despite their seemingly clumsy appearance, bears are remarkably fast and could easily outrun a horse, let alone a human. They rely heavily on their sense of smell due to poor vision and hearing. Bears are strong swimmers but not adept climbers.  For this reason, this species has appeared in everything from horror movies to children’s cartoons, to comedy films.

Filming with bears is incredibly difficult and there is limited availability for keepers in the UK; however, it can be done and we can provide a safe and enthralling filming experience via our expert Dangerous Wild Animal License holders.  To hire any dangerous wild animals, check our the species we can help you with here.

7. Birds

On any list of the world’s most popular animals, birds consistently make an appearance.  Here in the UK, we just adore them!  The variety of species, their colours and their abilities are fascinating us.  At The Animal Talent, we have a variety of species across the spectrum.  We have Teddy the Umbrella Cockatoo among our exotic birds, Renna the hawk in our bird of prey roster, and all the ducks, hens and geese you can imagine within our farmyard bird roster.  Our birds are skilled, experienced in studio and location work and impressive to witness.

So what’s special about them? Birds have evolved to master flight for survival. Not all birds can fly; species like penguins and ostriches, the latter being the largest bird in the world, are flightless. The smallest bird in the world is the bee hummingbird, measuring just two inches high.

Many birds, especially parrots, are renowned for their mimicry skills which they acquire over time, captivate people with their ability to ‘speak.’ Some birds, like African grey parrots, even have preferences for certain types of music and often dance and sing along to their favourite songs.

Birds are undeniably popular as well as fascinating, so it’s no wonder they’re so popular in film and TV here in the UK.

8. Sharks

All year round, audiences eagerly tune in to programs and movies about sharks. Whether it’s jump-scare films like Jaws, or documentaries such as Blue Planet, they make popular viewing.

Often misunderstood as terrifying beasts, sharks are actually responsible for very few human fatalities. In fact, horses and cows cause more human deaths annually.  There are over 500 species of sharks, and they play a crucial role in marine ecosystems.

Sharks inhabit a variety of environments, from tropical coral reefs and the deep blue sea to the icy waters beneath the Arctic ice. Among these are unique species like the hammerhead and the goblin shark, the latter distinguished by its bright pink skin.

Most sharks are cold-blooded, matching the temperatures of the waters they swim in. However, the great white shark is warm-blooded, allowing it to move faster than its relatives.

Here at the animal talent, we can source locations best for filming sharks in the wild.  We also work with the nation’s best animatronics companies and taxidermists who can provide fabulous filming alternatives. Contact our experienced agents for more information.

9. Lions

For thousands of years, lions have been celebrated as the most popular animals in the world. From the dawn of time, emperors and tyrants often paraded them as regal accessories, symbolising power and majesty. Today, the Three Lions are the symbol of England’s football team as well as featuring on the coat of arms for the England. “The Lion Rampant” also features on the Royal Banner of the Royal Arms of Scotland. It’s no wonder that they are in the top ten favoured animals in the UK since they have such a huge cultural and historic relevance.

Lions are the second-largest cats in the world, just behind tigers.  Contrary to popular belief, lions are not inherently aggressive. These social animals live in communities, or prides, consisting of up to 30 members. Male lions are responsible for guarding the territory and protecting the cubs. They fend off intruders, mark their territory with urine, and roar to signal their presence and deter potential threats.

Within the pride, female lions do the hunting. Smaller and more agile than the males, lionesses work together to bring down prey. They form semicircles and herd the prey towards the centre for a successful hunt.  Lion cubs are particularly vulnerable and can easily fall prey to leopards, hyenas, and jackals.

From MGM’s Leo the roaring lion, to fan favourite, The Lion King, this magnificent species features heavily across popular culture and media across the world.  Check our information about hiring lions for your project here.

10. Monkeys

Just what is it about monkeys that makes them one of our favourite animals?  A study published in the journal Nature (2005), revealed that humans and chimpanzees share approximately 98-99% of their DNA.

Given their fascinating traits and intelligence, it’s no surprise that monkeys are immensely popular.

Monkeys shake their heads “no,” recognize themselves in mirrors, use hand gestures, and laugh when tickled. Remarkably, they’ve even been observed smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee, and eating when stressed.  Although monkeys have featured heavily in popular culture the world over, as society has become more ethically aware, we now realise that training in the past was very questionable.

Their close behavioral and cognitive similarities to humans make monkeys ideal subjects for behavioral studies. They are capable of being trained as service animals and have even participated in space missions.  Whether this is appropriate or not is a matter for discussion and certainly we consider the ethics of working with such animals very carefully and on a case by case basis. Logistics often depend upon the species and the location of the monkeys we film. Talk to our professional handlers today about the safest way to work with monkeys.

Training and Development

Once an animal’s talent is identified, our team of professional trainers steps in to develop their skills. Using positive reinforcement techniques, we create tailored training programs that suit each animal’s unique abilities and personality, building confidence and enriching their daily lives. Our goal is to ensure that every performance is safe, enjoyable for both the animal and the audiences.

The health and happiness of our animal clients are paramount. We provide comprehensive care, including regular veterinary check-ups, nutritious diets, and plenty of rest and play. Our dedicated team ensures that each animal’s physical and emotional needs are met, allowing them to thrive both on and off the set.

We’re also committed to providing content creators with the shot they’re trying to achieve.  The stranger the request, the better.  We provide a shot guarantee, as stated on our home page.  Hire animal models from us and we guarantee you will get the shots you need.  If you don’t get your shot, you don’t pay the bill.

Celebrating Success

We are proud of the success stories we have helped create in film, television and live events. From shelter rescues to global sensations, our animal stars have left a lasting impact on audiences. We have recently provided and handled animals for the likes of BAFTA, Hermes, BBC, Loewe, Ewan McGregor and Sam Miller, we pride ourselves on providing exceptional animal talent to the film and TV industry.

At The Animal Talent Ltd, we are passionate about managing and promoting the world’s most popular and talented animals. Our holistic approach to animal talent management ensures that our animal actors not only achieve stardom but also enjoy a fulfilling and happy life where they get rewarded for working and training.  We look forward to continuing our mission of discovering new talented animal stars and creating unforgettable moments in the world of animal entertainment. 

The ten most popular animals of 2024 are all available to hire from The Animal Talent Ltd.  To make a booking of one of our spectacular animals, please speak to our expert handlers today by filling in our contact form here.

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